LYMPHATIC MASSAGE: Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle and very effective massage that encourages stimulation of the lymphatic system (the body’s plumbing system). It’s a rhythmical massage that moves the lymph flow and it is very relaxing. The Lymphatic system plays a vital role in the body by regulating the immune system which protects the body from infection. 60 Min: $200
DEEP TISSUE NEUROKINETIC MASSAGE: This massage is designed to unravel the deep seethed knots and tension in the muscles and body. It is combined with therapeutic stretches to open all your blocked pathways.
60 Min: $150 – 90 Min: $200
PRE-NATAL MASSAGE: Pre-natal massage is very beneficial to the expecting mother throughout her nine months of pregnancy. It is geared toward a medical massage for pregnant mothers to eliminate muscular aches and tension brought on by the changing body to accommodate the baby. A special pre-natal kit us used. 60 Min: $150 – 90 Min: $200
MEDICAL/SPORTS MASSAGE: Medical massage is a very specific massage for painful areas (acute and/or chronic) utilizing lymphatic massage, myofascial release and trigger point therapy. (You may bring in a doctor’s prescription for treatment). 60 Min: $150 – 90 Min: $200
ACUMASSAGE: A combination of acupuncture and massage to open the body’s energy pathways and improve circulation. This is followed by a 60-minute massage. used to activate the lymphatic pathways as well as the musculoskeletal system to promote flexibility. This vitalizes the body and organs. 90 Min: $230
SKIN BRUSHING: Lymphatic massage using a natural dry bristle brush that takes off the dead skin cells and increase circulation of the lymph and blood. Reduces cellulite appearance. 30 Min: $60
REFLEXOLOGY: Vitality through the reflexes, a treatment that massages the internal organs through the feet. Essential oils are used on the reflex zones of the feet to address imbalance of the internal organs. (This ancient treatment of manipulating the reflex points can address many ailments in the body)
30 min: $60 60 Min: $100 w/foot soak

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs. By introducing filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon peristalsis. This process is repeated a few times during a session.
Series with Dorelle
Single Session: $200
Series of 3: $588 Series of 5: $900 Series of 10: $1.760
Series with Tracy
Single Session: $200
Series of 3: $588 Series of 5: $900 Series of 10: $1.760

60min: $225
Series of 3: $621 Series of 5: $1.012 Series of 10: $1.980

60mins: $250
Series of 3: $690 Series of 5: $1.125 Series of 10: $2.200

60mins: $300
Series of 3: $840
Series of 5: $1,357
Series of 10: $2,700

Single Session: $150
Series of 8: $1,000

30 min: $60 – Series of 5: $240 – Series of 10: $540 – Series of 15: $840


Consultation Fees: 1 hour: $150


The one thing that we strive for in life is BALANCE. The most crucial balance for maintaining life is the balance between Acid and Alkaline. It is very easy for this balance to go into chaos specifically by our diet and the build up of toxins on our body . This leads to acidity and causes disease and even auto-intoxification. Germs strive in an acidic environment therefore our main focus is to strive toward alkalinity to provide proper nutrients to our blood and tissues thus warding off disease.
Our Acid/Alkaline Program is individualized.
Candida Detox Program
Candidiasis is the medical term used to describe a yeast overgrowth that is usually found in the intestinal area and other tissues of the body. Candida is normally in our body but when its growth is excessive is when it becomes a problem. It is a strong invasive parasite that attaches itself to the intestinal wall and can upset the delicate balance of the intestines. disrupts many systemic activities within the body and cause many aggravating symptoms, both physical and mental. Candida creates a very acidic body and thus the individual must alkalize.
Our Candida Program is individualized.
Liver/Gallbladder Detox Program
gallbladder Operation is the most common operation in North America. Approximately 80% of all gallstones show no symptoms and may remain silent for years. Once symptoms arise, they persist and increase in frequency. These symptoms may include right upper quadrant abdominal discomfort, sharp pain, gas or fullness after a heavy or greasy meal. The pain can also spread to the chest, shoulder, neck and back. In addition to these symptoms, stones expelled from the gallbladder during contraction may become lodged within the bile duct leading to infection of the bile duct or gallbladder.
Our Liver/Gallbladder Detox is individualized Herbs, suppositories and colonics are included.
Heavy Metal Detox Program
Our Heavy Metal Detoxification program utilizes the oral relation in conjunction to extended health and heavy metal herbal suppositories. These methods aid in removing metallic toxic substances from the body. these toxic metals get lodged in the muscle tissues and adipose (fat) tissues. These toxic metals negatively affect people’s health causing various types of disorders. Lymphatic massage and colon therapy is a vital part of this program.
Our heavy metal detox program is individualized.
Integrative/Holistic Medicine Consult
For your initial consult. your nurse practitioner will discuss your health care goals, appropriate testing and ways to improve the quality of your health and wellbeing. Utilizing Functional Medicine principles, holistic approaches and lifestyle guidance you enter into a partnership for increased knowledge and courage to live in optimal balance. Follow-up nutritional or hormonal profile testing and continued care may be necessary for a period of time. In depth testing may include strategies to improve metabolism. hormonal balance , digestive health and brain balance among other. With the focus on natural compounds. you may wish to take supplements. herbs or nutraceuticals focused on improvement towards your health care goals. Your practitioners are medical physicians or nurse practitioners who synthesize scientifically proven integrative methods with compassionate understanding to journey with you in making positive choices. Initial Visit $250: Follow up Visit $180
Iridology is the study of the iris. It has been used for interpretation of the state of the body’s organs for thousands of years. This study has come to the foredront by Dr, Dernard Jensen. The iris is a nerve center of the body. The nervous system. which connects all tissues in the body. is transmitted to the iris via the optic nerve. Tissues reflex responses are then transmitted to the iris fibers in the eye whre they alter the depth, color and shape of these fibers. This creates signs or ocular biomarkers in the irises. This allows an iridologist to view the quality of each organ and tissue throughout the body.
Just as the body is mapped out in the ear (auriculotherapy) or feet (reflexology). the body is also mapped out in the iris of the eye. It is only in this practice that one can see acute, sub acute, chronic and degenerate stages of the body. It is notable to reference that the integrity of the stomach lining and shape of the large intestine and where it’s weakness lie can be inferred through iridology. Seesion $170
Cell Microscopy
Cell Microscopy involves evaluating both live and dry blood cells. Live Blood Analysis in an interference tool that observes the live blood cells under magnification. The size, shape, color, breakdown and integrity of the body’s blood cells are observed for irregularities and abnormalities. Through this procedure the cells can be viewed in real time to help the technician infer what is going on in the blood. Only a small sample of fresh. Live blood from a finger prick is needed to perform this type of analysis.
Dark Field Microscopy involves the same minimally invasive blood obtaining procedures. but differs from Live Blood Cell Analysis boy how the blood is observed After several drops of fresh blood have been collected. It is left on a slide to settle undisturbed. Once dry the technician views the specimen and observes the unique settling and drying pattern of the blood. Size, color and integrity are observed based on how each of the drops of blood is dried. These observation are used to infer the state and integrity of the health of the blood to determine the health of the individual. Analysis $300